Why Choose Glass Over Acrylic for Picture Framing?

Did you know that glass is the preferred choice for picture framing in 59% of households?

When it comes to preserving and showcasing your cherished memories, the choice between glass and acrylic can have a significant impact on the overall look and longevity of your framed artwork.

While both options have their merits, there are compelling reasons why glass continues to be the top choice for discerning art enthusiasts.

The decision ultimately comes down to a few key factors that can greatly enhance the visual appeal and preservation of your framed pieces.

Strength and Durability

When choosing between glass and acrylic for picture framing, consider the strength and durability of each material to ensure your artwork remains protected and secure.

Glass is known for its exceptional resistance to scratches, making it a great choice for long-term preservation of your artwork. It also offers high impact resistance, providing a sturdy barrier against accidental knocks or bumps. However, glass requires careful handling and maintenance to prevent breakage and damage.

On the other hand, acrylic is lightweight and more flexible, making it less prone to shattering. It requires minimal maintenance and is easier to clean than glass. While acrylic may lack the same level of scratch resistance as glass, it offers greater longevity due to its durability and resilience.

When it comes to impact resistance, acrylic surpasses glass, making it a safer option for high-traffic areas or environments with children and pets.

Ultimately, considering the maintenance, longevity, and impact resistance of both materials is crucial in making an informed decision for your picture framing needs.

Clarity and Transparency

Consider the clarity and transparency of both glass and acrylic when selecting the ideal material for your picture framing needs.

Glass offers superior clarity and transparency, allowing for excellent image preservation and reflection control. When light passes through glass, it does so with minimal distortion, resulting in true-to-life color accuracy and minimal glare. This means that your framed pictures will be displayed with utmost clarity and vibrancy.

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On the other hand, acrylic, while also transparent, may not offer the same level of clarity as glass. It's more prone to scratches and can have a slightly cloudy appearance, which may affect the overall viewing experience. Additionally, acrylic may not provide as effective reflection control as glass, potentially leading to more glare and reduced color accuracy.

When it comes to showcasing your pictures in their best light, the superior clarity and transparency of glass make it the top choice for framing, ensuring that your images are displayed with the utmost precision and vividness.

Weight and Handling

Glass offers superior clarity and transparency, allowing for excellent image preservation and reflection control. When framing a picture using glass, you'll find that its weight and handling are important factors to consider.

The fragile nature of glass means that it can be heavier than acrylic, requiring more care when handling and hanging the framed picture. Additionally, shipping considerations are crucial when using glass for picture framing. The weight of glass can impact shipping costs, and its fragile nature requires extra packaging and handling precautions to prevent breakage during transit.

However, the weight of glass also provides a sense of quality and durability, making it a preferred choice for framing valuable or sentimental artwork. When considering weight and handling, it's important to assess the specific needs and circumstances of the framed piece, including where it will be displayed and if it needs to be shipped.

UV Protection

To effectively protect your framed pictures from harmful UV rays, it's imperative to consider the benefits of UV-blocking acrylic for picture framing. When comparing acrylic and glass, it's important to note that acrylic offers superior UV protection compared to regular glass. UV-blocking acrylic ensures that your pictures are shielded from the damaging effects of UV rays, which can cause colors to fade and materials to deteriorate over time. In contrast, while glass does provide some level of UV protection, it isn't as effective as UV-blocking acrylic.

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Another factor to consider is the potential for yellowing. Acrylic is prone to yellowing over time, which can impact the appearance of your framed pictures. On the other hand, glass is known for its longevity and ability to maintain clarity without yellowing.

Additionally, acrylic can produce reflections that may interfere with the viewing experience, while glass typically offers better clarity and minimal reflection.

Customization and Design Options

Now that you understand the importance of UV protection, let's explore the various customization and design options available for acrylic and glass picture framing.

When it comes to custom framing, both acrylic and glass offer a wide array of creative options to suit your preferences. Acrylic frames can be personalized with unique designs and styles, allowing for a modern and sleek look. The versatility of acrylic also enables the creation of unconventional shapes and sizes, providing a contemporary touch to your framed artwork or photographs.

On the other hand, glass frames offer timeless elegance and can be customized with intricate patterns, textures, and finishes to complement the aesthetics of the artwork. With glass, you can also opt for various levels of transparency, adding depth and visual interest to the framed piece.

Whether you prefer the contemporary appeal of acrylic or the classic charm of glass, both materials offer ample opportunities for personalized designs and unique styles to enhance your cherished pieces.

Cost and Affordability

Considering your budget and the value you seek, it's important to compare the cost and affordability of acrylic and glass picture framing options. While acrylic may seem like a cost-effective choice at first due to its lower initial price, it's essential to consider the long-term investment.

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Acrylic is prone to scratches and may require frequent replacements, leading to higher costs over time. On the other hand, glass may have a higher upfront cost, but it offers greater durability and longevity. Its robustness means that it's less likely to be damaged and won't require frequent replacements, making it a more cost-effective option in the long run.

When making framing decisions, it's crucial to weigh the initial cost against the long-term benefits. While acrylic may seem like a more affordable option upfront, glass proves to be the more cost-effective choice over time. By investing in glass picture framing, you're making a long-term investment that won't only protect your artwork effectively but also save you money in the long run.


So next time you're looking to frame a picture, consider choosing glass over acrylic. With its strength, clarity, and UV protection, glass offers the best option for preserving and showcasing your artwork.

Not to mention, the customization and design options available make it a versatile choice for any framing project. While acrylic may be a more affordable option, the benefits of glass make it a worthwhile investment for your cherished memories.

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